Hei, jeg heter Leif!

Hei, jeg heter Leif!

I'm a software engineer from Cambridge (UK) that loves geese, drinks too much Pepsi Max, and lives for a good challenge. I'm driven by my passion for learning and have assembled this blog as somewhere I can write about my journeys through life and work and the things I learn along the way. I hope that by writing up these experiences, someone else may derive usefulness from them too.

When I'm not writing code, on a day of good weather, you can catch me enjoying a variety of outdoor pursuits. These include cycling, kayaking, bouldering, and motorcycling. If you look up during a clear summer's day, you might also spot me overhead in an acrobatic sailplane or a small single-prop. I also adore cooking and baking and have the distinct pleasure of cooking for those less fortunate at the local Food Cycle project.

The last few years have seen my time split between my home of Cambridge and Norway's beautiful capital city Oslo. At the end of 2022, I will leave my long-time home in the UK to settle down with my fiancée Laura and embark on an exciting new career 'arc' in maritime consultancy.

Laura and I on a walk around Sognsvann Lake.
Header photo by Michael Ankes / Unsplash